Introducing the Toonit Matrix

Welcome to Toonit. The Toonit Matrix is where you can fully leverage your imagination by creating new assets and backgrounds that incorporate the various 3D assets and components from the marketplace. You can either set it to free or for a fee for other Toonit users to use.

Creating your Matrix

To create an account and access your dashboard, click here

  1. Click the “Start Toonit” button on your dashboard,h_530,al_c,q_90,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_auto/4eddf6_52dd776b2c634da89f37fdb40052cbf7~mv2.png

  1. Click the "Toonit Matrix" in the pop-up modal,h_624,al_c,lg_1,q_90,enc_auto/4eddf6_7eba4a2f151e4e5e8a7ff8e27d6e3eea~mv2.png

  1. Similar to the Toonit Construct, the left-hand side is the asset panel which lists the 3D asset components that can be brought into the Toonit Matrix to make your desired scenes or assets.

Select your desired asset and drag & drop them into the Toonit Lens.,h_854,al_c,q_85,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_auto/4eddf6_053a910b241947f881f9d368f633ccbf~mv2.png

In the right modal window, there are three tabs: