Introducing the Toonit Architect

Welcome to Toonit. The Toonit Architect is where you can upload 3D and 2D assets onto the Toonit marketplace. 3D assets are often in unfamiliar file formats like OBJ, FBX, GLB and often require expensive softwares to run. Therefore, they are commonly used by professionals in the gaming or animation industry. But at Toonit, you can make your 3D assets more accessible to a much greater user base with ease, maximizing your monetization opportunities.

Uploading your 2D and 3D Assets

To create an account and access your dashboard, click here

  1. Click the “Start Toonit” button on your dashboard,h_516,al_c,q_90,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_auto/4eddf6_324271d8c3b841c1934bbaec0118b6b0~mv2.png

  1. To start creating uploading your 3D assets, click the “Toonit Architect”,h_623,al_c,lg_1,q_90,enc_auto/4eddf6_3a1d9a0b666840edadd12cc410d82166~mv2.png

  1. On the Toonit Architect, there are two ways to upload 3D assets. You can either:

Note that your asset must either be GLB file format (for 3D) or PNG/JPEG (for 2D). The file size should not exceed 50 MB per asset.